Intimate Exchanges: Archive Images
A collection of archive material, posters, rehearsal and production images pertaining to Alan Ayckbourn's Intimate Exchanges. The Archive Images page is presented in association with the Borthwick Institute for Archives at the University of York where the Ayckbourn Archive is held. Click on an image to expand.Intimate Exchanges (1982)

The complex branching structure for Intimate Exchanges (a single scene leading to 16 possible variations of the play) was actually initially conceived for his 1979 play Sisterly Feelings - as these early notes by the playwright show. He would simplify the structure for this play, but re-use the structure for Intimate Exchanges.
Copyright: Haydonning Ltd
Holding: Borthwick Institute for Archives
Do not reproduce images without permission of the copyright holder.
Copyright: Haydonning Ltd
Holding: Borthwick Institute for Archives
Do not reproduce images without permission of the copyright holder.

Alan Ayckbourn in the foyer of the Stephen Joseph Theatre in the Round, Scarborough, in 1982. The foyer had a wall-sized diagram illustrating all the possible permutations of Intimate Exchanges and which particular variation was being next performed.
Photographer: Alec Russell (© Haydonning Ltd)
Holding: Borthwick Institute for Archives
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Photographer: Alec Russell (© Haydonning Ltd)
Holding: Borthwick Institute for Archives
Do not reproduce images without permission of the copyright holder.

A composite image of Lavinia Bertram & Robin Herford playing all 10 of their characters in the world premiere of Intimate Exchanges at the Stephen Joseph Theatre in the Round Scarborough in 1982.
Photographer: Alec Russell
Holding: Borthwick Institute for Archives
Do not reproduce images without permission of the copyright holder.
Photographer: Alec Russell
Holding: Borthwick Institute for Archives
Do not reproduce images without permission of the copyright holder.

The French film auteur Alain Resnais adapted Intimate Exchanges into two films, Smoking & No Smoking, in 1993. These are the posters for the films which adapted 12 of the 16 possible permutations of the film.
Copyright: To be confirmed
Holding: Ayckbourn Digital Archive
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Copyright: To be confirmed
Holding: Ayckbourn Digital Archive
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Intimate Exchanges has only been performed in its entirety twice. The first time in 1982 and the second for Alan Ayckbourn's 2006 / 2007 revival at the Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough. Here both casts of Robin Herford & Lavinia Bertram and Claudia Elmhirst & Bill Champion are united with Alan Ayckbourn (centre)
Photographer: Tony Bartholomew (© Tony Bartholomew)
Holding: Ayckbourn Digital Archive
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Photographer: Tony Bartholomew (© Tony Bartholomew)
Holding: Ayckbourn Digital Archive
Do not reproduce images without permission of the copyright holder.

The poster for the 2006 / 2007 revival of Intimate Exchanges at the Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough. As Alan Ayckbourn had a stroke just prior to rehearsals beginning, the play was initially directed by Tim Luscombe in 2006 before Alan took over in 2007.
Copyright: Scarborough Theatre Trust
Holding: Borthwick Institute for Archives
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Copyright: Scarborough Theatre Trust
Holding: Borthwick Institute for Archives
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A composite photograph of Bill Champion & Claudia Elmhirst as all 10 characters in the 2006 / 2007 revival of Intimate Exchanges at the Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough. The image pays homage to the original composite image from 1982 also seen on this page.
Photographer: Tony Bartholomew (© Tony Bartholomew)
Holding: Ayckbourn Digital Archive
Do not reproduce images without permission of the copyright holder.
Photographer: Tony Bartholomew (© Tony Bartholomew)
Holding: Ayckbourn Digital Archive
Do not reproduce images without permission of the copyright holder.
The Archive Images pages are presented in association with the Borthwick Institute for Archives at the University of York, where the Ayckbourn Archive is held.
All images on this page are copyright of the respective and labelled individual / organisation and should not be reproduced without permission.
All images on this page are copyright of the respective and labelled individual / organisation and should not be reproduced without permission.